Any driver automatically assumes the responsibility to give their undivided attention on the road and stick with road safety at all times. So when drivers eat or drink as they driver, this puts them in a multitasking mode causing some distractions. For anyone who has taken a driving lesson from 驾照翻译, this is a big mistake.
In the next lines, you’re going to learn why the dangers of eating while driving is synonymous to drinking while driving.
Eating Calls for 2 Hands
While you are eating and driving, you will definitely have to take off your hands from the wheel every now and then. Whether you are applying ketchup on your burger or unpacking that fries, eating while driving is guaranteed to make drivers take off their hands from the steering wheel. A big no-no especially when doing it in highways.
Keep Your Eyes on the Road
As you eat and drive, admit it or not but your focused is not 100% on the road and on your surroundings. Rather, you may be worrying more on the mess that you may make on your trousers or spilling the drink in the dashboard.
According to car accident lawyers, if a driver’s focus on the road is shifted somewhere else, there’s a chance of missing road patterns or not realize that there is a car to your blind spot.
Affecting Your Reaction Time
Say that your focus and eyes are on something else, then it will cause your reaction times to become slow and sometimes, delayed. The latter is what oftentimes causing the more serious road accidents. It just takes a mere second for a vehicle to slam on its brakes and cause accident. So prevent this from ever happening by keeping your focus and eyes on the road and maintaining your reaction times faster to react in sudden changes.
After all, it is fairly easy to avoid eating while driving. There are many ways that can help you do it like for example, eat before you leave, keep any foods out of your reach and something like that.