As our babies grow, they reach their point where they need to have solid intakes together with their milk feeding. At this point, infants either eat everything that they can get inside their mouth or cry at anything being pushed inside their mouth. High times like these require mothers to be very into every bit of food their baby eats, in order to trace if something goes wrong with the baby’s tummies or if they just so happen to get allergic reactions, which at their age can be very dangerous. But, as this being said, this is also the time to let infants explore different types of food and expose them to the nutrients that this food can give their bodies, after all, diaper bags are just in the corner waiting for tummy turnouts. With this, here are two things agreed upon by pediatricians which should be keenly monitored and avoided not until the baby turns one.
The Risks Of Honey and Peanut Butter
Honey. Definitely a sweet treat for kids, honey is actually a high source of Clostridium Botulinum spores that is a high risk of developing into a baby’s intestines and progressing into infant botulism. This then can lead to constipation, difficulty in sucking, and weak cries from the infant. Other similar and conniving liquid that render to sweetness should also be avoided.
Peanut Butter. Among a lot of allergens, peanut is a known source of most and can be very risky when fed to babies no more than one year old. But, aside from this common fact what is actually really dangerous is feeding a baby a spoonful of it, which is a prone choking hazard considering its sticky and thick consistency, what adds to the danger of this is that this kind of choke from a substance like that is not applicable with a Heimlich maneuver– a go-to of moms for all kinds of chokes on their babies. When your child reaches a year or two and insists on eating peanut butter with a sure slate on it being their allergen, you can give them provided that you mix it with anything that can cut down its thick consistency. There are more food types to watch out for, but these two are commonly mistaken to be safe. More research and observation on babies can lead to wider knowledge of other things not to give them until they can handle so.