In trying to make ends meet, it can be less of a struggle if we can supplement our meager earnings with additional food supply grown by way of home gardening.
It is in times like these that people become more resourceful by growing food even in the smallest of plots or even in containers. Historically, community and home gardening was how many Americans survived the Great Depression. Their fruit and vegetable-producing plots were initially called “recession gardens,’ and later “depression gardens.” During World War II, backyard cultivation for growing edible vegetation were called “victory gardens.”
Now that we are experiencing another round of great economic hardship as a result of the still ongoing threats of COVID-19, the future generations will refer to our vegetable producing initiatives as “pandemic gardening.”
Benefits We Can Gain from “Pandemic Gardening”
Aside from reducing our budget requirement for food, we are assured of eating naturally grown, coronavirus-free fruits and vegetables. Even if we produce smaller crops, home grown vegetables, fruits and herbs, are healthier alternatives.
Home Gardening is a Stress-Relief Therapy
Gardening has been proven effective in reducing stress because simple acts like weeding, digging, watering and harvesting, are forms of exercises that will allow the body to release mood-boosting body chemicals called endorphins. According to psychology experts, spending at least 30 minutes of gardening daily, can greatly improve a person’s mental health.
Exposure to The Sun and Outdoor Air can Make Us Physically Fit
Pandemic home gardening will also make us physically fit, since we spend some time under the healthy rays of the sun to receive Vitamin D, whilst breathing in fresh supply of oxygen from the outdoor air. Just make it a point to do your gardening activities during the time of day when the sun isn’t too hot; and that you and whoever will be helping you, have adequate protection from the heat of the sun.
If in case our work-from-home schedule will not allow us to do gardening chores in the early hours of the day; or when the weather does not permit us to do so, there are now methods and technology we can apply to grow plants indoors .
Gardening Can Serve as Practical Science Lessons for the Children
Since our children are taking lessons from online classes or via distance learning modules, getting them involved in gardening will provide them practical examples on how plants grow and thrive. The family can also explore and learn the concept of hydroponics, to grow plants even without soil.
Develop Better Appreciation for Fruit and Vegetables Among Children
Moreover, children will have better appreciation of the vegetable dishes served as meals, since they took part in growing them and bringing them as fresh, instead of canned food on the table.
At first, you may not be able to grow the greenest greens, sweetest strawberries, or the plumpest tomatoes; but don’t lose heart. A little research about the best type of soil to use and the kind of organic fertilizer to apply, will have you writing or videographing a tutorial about pandemic gardening.
On that note, if you have some tips to share and interesting personal experiences related to gardening write for us a guest post blog. That way, we can help spread more information about successful home gardening during pandemic.