What are the religious dietary laws?

September 18, 2020 Norwood Faulkner 0 Comments

A lot of religions have rules about the foods that can and cannot be eaten.

When people forego food including meat for religious reasons, it is not just about following the rules or respecting creation. Religious dietary laws have a meaning far beyond that.

They have to do this with belonging and with identity. People use it in order to express which convictions they share with other people and which values ​​they set themselves apart from. At the same time, eating rules are also little “attention trainers” that remind you every day to eat “mindfully” and to think about how you eat. It is how you deal with enjoyment and renunciation, with everyday life and celebrations.  In addition, it is how you deal with the creatures that you are feeding on. Thus, if you are thinking of searching dietary rules or laws for a certain religious organization on the internet then you may also check Doktor Fit site.

Dietary laws for popular religions

  • Buddhists take the command not to harm sentient beings very seriously. They largely do without meat.
  • In the Hindu faith, cows are sacred animals in which 330 million deities live. Injuring or even killing a cattle is severely punished.
  • No pig is on the table with Muslims. There’s a special way of killing the animals you want to eat. The meat is then considered halal, which means “suitable for consumption” and “pure”.
  • Devout Christians do not eat meat on Fridays, but fish. And they keep a 40-day fast before Easter.
  • Religious Jews separate milk and meat. They only eat split-hoofed mammals that ruminate. The animals must bleed to death after they have been slaughtered. According to some people, kosher meat is therefore considered halal.

In every religious tradition, there is a lived religiosity, that is, an everyday religion: the place where everything that is practically important in this religion comes into play. Food plays a very important role here. And apparently, that is a perfectly genuine approach. And by experiencing it, one can infer not only with the head but also with the tongue how a religious tradition ticks.